Supported Employment

Supported Employment develops competitive jobs that allow individuals to earn an income, pay taxes, and work in an environment alongside others.

Benefits for Jobs4You clients:

Adults in the Jobs 4 You program work in a wide variety of jobs within the community:

  • Our Supported Employment Department supports individuals in every aspect of work from vocational assessment and job development, to on-the-job-training and follow-along support as necessary.
  • The Supported Employment Job Developer’s role is to coordinate job placement for people with disabilities at local business in the community, while providing ongoing support from professional staff members.
  • Our focus is to develop competitive jobs that allow individuals to earn an income, pay taxes and work in an environment alongside other in the community.

Benefits for Employers:

  • Increased Efficiency: Utilize a reliable workforce with cost-effective wages to tackle labor-intensive, repetitive tasks slowing down your highly-paid employees.
  • Receive Tax Credits: The Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) is worth up to $2,400 and available by hiring referrals from AEDD.
  • Improve Consumer Loyalty: Studies like the 2013 Cone Communications Social Impact Study prove consumers are more loyal to companies exercising social responsibility through positive hiring practices.
  • Improve Corporate Culture & Our Community: Experience the tremendous pride and motivation our employees bring to the workplace while receiving satisfaction by giving back.

Matching Process for Employment:

  1. Supported Employment Job Developer compares job functions with a worker’s abilities and interests
  2. Job Developer selects a “best match” AEDD applicant and coordinates an interview with employer
  3. Upon acceptance, a state certified Job Coach is assigned to train individuals on the job
  4. As individual gains experience, Job Coach will transition from a supervisory role to monitoring employee’s progress on a regular basis.